The firmware 6.00 reveals the possible existence of 8 models of PSP!
The deciphering of 6.00 by our team has just revealed a very strange thing: there are traces of 8 models of PSP … not less.
Our team is progressing on parsing firmware 6.00 and has made a fun discovery.If it does not revolutionize the world or even find an answer today, it will at least make us ask questions about the future of the PSP.
Since December 2004 (date of the PSP in Japan) in March 2005 in the U.S. and in September the same year in Europe, the PSP has not ceased to evolve physically and technically without changing its main characteristics. Thus the memory doubled, screens have improved, autonomy is better and, finally, he left a PSP each year for three years now (PSP-2000, PSP-3000 and PSP Go).
2004年12月に日本で、翌2005年3月に米国で、同年9月に欧州でPSPが発売されて以来、PSPは主要な部分には物理的にも技術的にも変更を加えずに進化してきました。その間メモリーが倍になったり液晶画面が改良されたりしながらここ3年ほどは毎年モデルチェンジ(PSP-2000、PSP-3000、PSP go)を繰り返してきました。
Each evolution of the PSP led at least one new function, but especially new PRX dedicated. Thus for the same function, the PSP-1000, PSP-2000 and PSP-3000 do not all have the same PRX file to run. (Editor’s note: there is still the PRX in common, but here we are talking about specific) c”est at the time of installation and depending on the model that the correct file is copied. For the record, the files for the PSP-1000 has a prefix _01g those PSP-2000 _02g those of the PSP-3000 _03g and we had found in section 6.00 of the New Hidden: a new pops made appeared, those of the PSP Go have a nice _04g.
進化するごとに新機能を搭載してきましたが、それはモデルごとにPRXファイルが新たに用意されてきているからです。PSP-1000、PSP-2000、PSP-3000はすべてが同じPRXファイルを使用している訳ではありません。(注:もちろん共通のPRXファイルはありますが、今回はそうではない特殊なファイルの話です) インストール時にPSPのモデルにあわせて適切なファイルがコピーされます。PSP-1000には_01g、PSP-2000には_02g、PSP-3000には_03gとなっています。そして今回の6.00には隠された秘密がありました:新しいPOPSの存在、そしてPSP goが_04gとなっていることです。
Turning to the topic of the day, there is a file that is used to manage information of regions and models of the PSP which is called index_0xg.dat and today gives us valuable information. Indeed, the 6.00 firmware may be able to load a file that supports index_0xg.dat extensions _01g to _08g (For our english speaking friends : the firmware can have support to load a index_0xg.dat in this case its have support to _01g to _08g).

8 models of PSP … 4 is more than we already have.
Funny is not it? Sony is therefore to integrate the ability to manage prx next 4 models of PSP. Oldest should remember that modules _02g had already appeared in firmware of the PSP-1000 before disappearing in an update next and finally to return with the release of the PSP-2000. We may be here in the same case: a discraction before precipitation Listed.
Note that these numbers may be associated with prototype, debug versions or new machinery being tested. Not easy to know what to conclude on this subject, but anyway, Sony seems to see beyond his laptop and it is rather good news.
PSP goが_04gだとすると、開発が噂されているPSP-4000(ゲーム最新情報 2009年8月26日のニュース参照)は_05gになるのでしょうか?数字がずれるのが気になりますが。
PSP goはUMDのリッピングからISO起動まで出来ないようになっているようですのでCFWが開発できてもバックアップ起動は出来ない可能性もあります。
ただ6.00GEN-Aが開発出来たとするとPSP goのハッキングにも希望の光が見えてくるかもしれません。