Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D is now released
Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D is now released The new version of Custom Firmware made by PSPGEN, by Yoshihiro, is now out.
1 – Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D: presentation and new features
1 – カスタムファームウェア5.50GEN-D: 概要紹介と機能について
The Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D is now finished and released. Note that this Custom Firmware is for PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 V1 and V2 only.The 5.03HEN-A will be updated soon with the same possibilities.

To make the way to flash your PSP easier, the installation of our new CFW is so easy thanks to our flash program XGEN UDPATER FOR PSP CFW 5.50Gen-D for those who are already using Custom Firmware, or a XGEN for Pandora for those who would still be on official firmware with PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 V1 or V2.
PSPへより簡単に導入できるよう、インストール方法は簡単にしました。既にカスタムファームウェアインストール済みPSPには起動するだけでインストールできるCFW 5.50GEN-DのXGEN UPDATERを、PSP-1000とPSP-2000のV1およびV2で公式ファームウェアを使用しているPSPにはパンドラバッテリーを利用する XGEN for Pandoraを用意します。

If you’re already on custom firmware, just launch the program.
What’s up Doc ?
* All features of 5.50GEN-B2 are available
* 5.50GEN-B2までに機能は網羅
* Ability to run 5.51 + games without having to patch it (UMD or ISO)
* 要求ファームウェア5.51以上のゲームをパッチすることなしに起動可能(UMDまたはISOに対応)
* Possibility to launch PSN demos requiring 5.51 + without having to patch them (as MGS for example)
* 要求ファームウェア5.51以上のPSNでの体験版(メタルギアソリッドなど)でもパッチなしで起動可能
* Possibility to connect to the Playstation Store by the using of MEDIAGO, to retrieve games and goodies without having to install Fake USB or other complicated stuff.
* Fake USBをインストール、といった複雑な手順なしで、MediaGoを使ってPSNに接続して購入が可能
* Possibility to use the XGEN Updater to install the official firmware 6.10 (use it only if you have a Pandora XGEN to be able to return later in Custom firmware)
* XGEN Updaterで公式ファームウェア6.10をインストール可能(後でカスタムファームウェアに戻れるようPandora XGENを用意できる方のみご使用ください)
* 480×272 AVC Videos are supported
* 480×272のAVCビデオをサポート

5.50Gen-D is now running on your PSP…
Known bug :
* Option to accelerate the reading of MS is going to be ported to 5.50GEN
2 – Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D: Disclaimers and download link
カスタムファームウェア5.50GEN-D: 注意事項とダウンロードリンク
Warnings and various small F.A.Q:
* Please read the download page before starting the procedure.
* In the previous release, you were likely to see problems due to lack of reading the news and the download page (like “OMG, I’ve bricked my PSP, I have only the time displayed” which was due to updating a custom theme and settled simply by removing the MS from the drive). We take the time to write this download page, and it’s not for fun, so please take the time to read it and avoid stress to everyone.
* Take the time to read comments of news, especially when a new CF has just been released.
* 特に新カスタムファームウェアがリリースされた時には内容文をきちんとお読みください。
Similary, the comments are full of answers to your questions and are moderated in real time to help everyone find solutions (thanks to all active moderators). Feel free to watch it, you may always find a solution to your problem.
* Do not leave a custom theme on your PSP.
* PSPにカステムテーマを残したままにしないでください。
Settings> Themes Settings> Theme> Original
設定> テーマ設定> テーマ> 標準
* Do not leave a custom background on your PSP
* PSPのカスタム背景を残したままにしないでください。
Settings>Themes>Background> Original
設定> テーマ設定> 背景> 標準
* If you encounter a black screen at the launch of the updated :
* アップデートで画面が黒みになる場合:
This bug is not a problem with our updater but with 5.50GEN-B(1).In this case, just make the update to Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-B2, then run the update to the 5.50GEN-D. In all other cases, from 4.01M33, the update is straightforward.
このバグは5.50GEN-B(1)にだけあるバグです。そういったケースでは一旦CFW 5.50GEN-B2にしてから5.50GEN-Dへアップデートしてください。通常は4.01M33以上であれば直接アップデートできます。
* You must know how to set a Custom Firmware 5.50Gen-D :
* カスタムファームウェア5.50GEN-Dの使用方法を確認してください。
This is important. How many time we’ve read : “since I’m in 5.50Gen-X, I can’t play my ISOs”, then you just have to put a UMD in the drive or switch to no-UMD driver. Our tutorial “Configure your Custom Firmare 5.50Gen-D (sorry it is in French)” should help you to know everything you need to. Once again, if you encounter a problem, our forums are here to help you and to find an answer to your questions.
非常に重要な事項です。何度同じ質問が来たことか: “5.50GEN-Xをインストールしたのですが、ISOファイルが起動できません。” その場合はドライブにUMDを入れただけとか、UMD ISO MODEがno-UMD driverになってるだけです。フランス語のみになりますが、”Configure your Custom Firmare 5.50Gen-D”のチュートリアル記事を是非ご覧ください。必要なことがすべて書いてあります。問題があった場合にはPSPGENフォーラムもご活用ください。答えがそこに既にあるかもしれません。
We hope that this new version will give you satisfaction. We will watch all the bugs you can bring in the forum in your comments. Note that this release has been proposed by Yoshihiro, who is responsible for all add-ons.
The GEN Team thanks you all for your trust and loyalty.