The first game that detects Custom Firmware is here!
It is only happens one day and it arrived. The developers of the game Evangelion: Jo added to their game detector Custom Firmware. This allows the detection game but blocks start its execution on the homepage with a nice message saying that the system installed is not official and therefore the game will not start.
ビックリするニュースが飛び込んできました。ヱヴァンゲリヲン:序 のゲームの開発者はゲームにカスタムファームウェア検出機能を盛り込みました。さらに検出するのみにとどまらず、ゲームをスタートしようとするとメイン画面に非公式ファームがインストールされているからゲームはスタートしない旨のメッセージを表示させるのです。
The game starts but is not playable

If the rumors about a malicious cracker Rock Band are still subject to controversy, the game itself is really allergic to the presence of a Custom Firmware. Note that this is not the version number which raises concerns, but rather a method for detection directly in RAM. Whether as a UMD or Ripper version, the game hangs on this page with a soft classical music that is probably supposed to relax you and prevent a launch console against a wall.
If, like us, you spent more or less 48 euros to bring him from Japan, use a pandora kit to install an official firmware before you play …. or install the Custom Firmware 5.02GEN-A proposes to reboot in frimware official without having to flash anything. Note that this option will be added to the next update to our 5.50GEN-A.