●/talkフォーラムで、Rinnegatamante氏がVitaでボタン連射を有効にすることができるプラグインTurboPad v.0.1をリリースしていました。連射のモード設定はボタン押している間最短時間で連射する”Every Tick”(ただしvitaQuakeのように認識しないゲームが存在する)と200/500/1000msecごとの4種類あります。ソースコードはGitHubで公開されています。
『GameGaz Daily 2017.4.22』へのコメント
HENkaku 3.65 / PS Vita 3.65 Jailbreak – will HENkaku be released for PS Vita firmware 3.65?
Added Skype App Easyinstaller
Added PSM Runtime EasyInstaller
Added RemoveFeatured Easyinstaller (How can it be an installer if it removes something? ITS FOR CONSISTENCY DONT QUESTION IT K?)
Updated ARK Easyinstaller To now support ONEMENU! (and also now displays a message saying its patched on 3.65. so people dont start posting issues on my github that has nothing to do with ark saying it doesn’t work.)
MacOS users can now run the program from src with ‘python run.py’ (make sure you have the MAC Psvimgtools inside the folder. also requires bplistlib.) only reason theres no compiled version is because i dont have a device running MacOS to compile it with.
Dependency’s: Qcma, libgcrypt11-dev (Only on linux)