PSP News一覧



Rumorang: Sony making lime green PSP
lime green PSP

Lately, Sony has taken a Skittles-esque liking for more PSP colors. Japan just got the new Carnival set and a lilac system is heading to North America soon. And, as it would appear, a lime green PSP is also in the works. According to Chinese website, the lime green PSP-3000 model pictured above was produced in a Sony factory in China. It’s currently unknown whether this specific color is being mass-produced or just a prototype.
最近ソニーはスキットル風でPSPの色を増やすのがお好きなようです。(スキットル:イギリスに古くからある木製の円盤または球を投げて 9 本のピンを倒すゲームで、イメージしやすいたとえで言うと9本ピンのボーリングです。転じて多色展開という意味だと思います。日本人には理解し辛い表現です)日本ではカーニバルカラーズを展開し、北米でも近くライラックカラーを発売します。そして間もなく登場しそうなのはライムグリーンのPSPです。中国サイトのVGSky.comでは上記写真のPSP-3000モデルが中国のソニー工場で生産されていると伝えています。この色が通常生産品なのか単なるプロトタイプなのかは分かりません。

Japan already has 12 different PSP color variants released on the market, and North America will soon have six. Where will this new color go, if it is indeed legit?






Sony’s PSP Controlled Remote Car

Sony’s PSP Controlled Remote Car_1

A patent filed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe details an invention where the PSP could be used to operate a remote car with a camera.

The proposed system has the car, which is moved via a wireless link to a PSP system, capture the environment with a mounted camera. Visual data from the car’s camera is beamed back to the PSP so the user can navigate around obstacles or record and save a movie. The patent specifically says, “a user may control the car 200 (ed’s note: that’s the figure number) so as to spy on their friends… then upload the stored video images to a website.”

Sony’s PSP Controlled Remote Car_2

Here is a rough look at the car’s schematics. What you can’t see is Sony plans to give the car a speaker and/or microphone. The speaker can be used to play music or reproduce the sound of a particular car like a Ferrari or with editing, perhaps, the Mach 5. Sound effects like engine noises may be preloaded in the car’s memory.

Sony’s PSP Controlled Remote Car_4Sony’s PSP Controlled Remote Car_3

The car can also be used for a racing game within “augmented reality zones”. These are explained as areas with virtual markers and paths that players physically create. Think of it as a build your own race track video game. When you’re inside an augmented reality zone the car moves. Leave the zone and the car freezes so you don’t drive it down a staircase, for example. The patent proposes the augmented reality areas may show the real environment or replace objects with computer generated images. In other words the car can take your sofa and translate it into say, an alien mother ship.




PSP 2 coming pre-Christmas will be an iPhone beater
PSP2 クリスマス前に登場 打倒iPhone
Sony’s new compact handheld console will feature sliding touchscreen and dual analogue sticks

Whether it’s labelled the PSP 4000 or the PSP 2, there’s been a lot of rumour recently about an imminent successor to Sony’s handheld console. There’s also been a lot of talk about how Sony might react to the competition on offer from the phenomenal success of Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch.
PSP-4000やらPSP2やらと言われていますが、ソニーの携帯ゲーム機のまもなく出るだろうと言われている後継機については様々な噂があります。またアップルのiPhoneやiPod Touchの驚異的な成功を目の当たりにして、その市場へ打って出るのではという情報も多方面から聞かれます。

Unsurprisingly the console manufacturer has been comparatively mute in both cases, denying the existence of a PSP sequel and any threat from Apple. However, having spoken to an insider source – who’s not Dave Perry, but is a developer working on the new hardware – we can reveal that the new handheld will arrive before Christmas and will be far more similar to the iPhone than the current device.
ゲーム機メーカーとして次期型PSPの存在を否定したりアップルの戦略に対して平静を装ってダンマリを決め込んでいる現状は驚くべき話でもないのですが、内部情報によると(Acclaim社のDavid Perry CCO(チーフ・クリエイティブ・オフィサー)からの情報ではなく、新型ハードウェアの開発に着手しているというある開発者からの情報です)新型携帯ゲーム機はクリスマス前に発売で現行iPhoneと似たような構成になるというのです。

Like Apple’s newcomer, the PSP 2 will be a compact device with a large touchscreen. However, where Sony’s machine has the edge is when the touchscreen is slid open as it reveals familiar buttons, D-pads and – praise the Lord of Handhelds – dual analogue controls.

This new format should allow for both existing hardcore console titles as well as simpler touchscreen games along the lines of those currently available in the App Store. And like the App Store, (and in the absence of UMD), the games will all be available for digital download via the PlayStation Store.
ソニーの新型機は、既存のPSPのタイトルだけでなくアップルが展開するApp Storeにあるようなタッチスクリーンを活かしたゲームが新たに加わることになります。UMDがなくてもApp Storeと同様に、ゲームはプレイステーションストアからデジタルデータとしてダウンロード販売されるでしょう。

Although this hasn’t been confirmed, our speculation is that Sony’s initial plans for a small upgrade to a PSP 4000 model have since been accelerated by the success of the iPhone and arrival of Nintendo DSi.

As yet those are all the details we have, but we understand the full specs and pricing will be unveiled at E3 in June.



□E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo)で詳細発表

iPod TouchだけでなくiPhoneもライバルということはやはり携帯電話キャリアとのタッグが存在しているという意味でしょう。