PSP Hack一覧



Exploit Fever Is Here Again

Image You’ve probably seen the news that MaTiAz and FreePlay have found an exploit in the ancient game GripShift, which works on all PSPs (including PSP3000) and up to the latest Sony 5.02 firmware.

This is great news, it’s been a long time since a new game exploit was published, and it opens the way for at least user-mode homebrew on the PSP3000. Here at Noobz we saw the bat-signal calling for “someone who has experience in progressing exploits” to help out with developing this one further, and I’m glad to announce that we’ll be joining forces with FreePlay and MaTiAz.
すごいニュースです。ゲームを使った新しいexploitの発見は久しぶりです。PSP3000で少なくともユーザーモードでHomebrewを起動できる可能性が出てきました。我々Noobzチームは”誰かexploit開発の経験者いないの?”というお助けコールにお答えいたします。 FreePlayとMaTiAzらと一緒にやるとお伝えできることを嬉しく思います。

The exploit already includes an SDK to allow porting of homebrew by devs, but that’s cumbersome. Our initial focus will be to make it easier to run standard homebrew via this exploit, by adapting eloader to it. This will be restricted purely to user-mode homebrew, since there is currently no public kernel-mode exploit that could be used here, and compatibility is likely to be patchy due to the security measures in the later firmwares which make determining all the syscalls almost impossible. Still, you can expect that at least some emulators and other popular pure user-mode homebrew will run.

Beyond that, if anyone finds a usable route to kernel-mode then a HEN and downgrader ought to be doable, but we’re not focussing on that at this time.

Pre-announcements aren’t normally the Noobz way, but in this case it seemed worthwhile to let people know, in case anyone was thinking of doing similar work. We won’t predict timescales, especially as everyone is very busy at the moment and there’s a fair amount of work to be done – so please don’t ask.


PSP Pandora Deluxe v3.1のリリース〜ちょっと変更

PSP-HQで、PSPパンドラ関係のオールインワンツールPSP Pandora Deluxe v3.1のリリースを伝えていました。【記事

PSP Pandora Deluxe v3.1


DOWNLOAD: (Full version) Registered Members
DOWNLOAD: (Update pack for v3.0) Registered Members


What’s New:
Cleaned up the app a little bit, added a Status screen, and updated Hold+ to 3.5.


Dark-AleX氏意味深発言?Lite Blue ToolバッテリーとGripShift

Dark-AleX氏らは、デイテルのLite Blue Toolバッテリーの名称と機能のうたい文句がいつの間にやら変わっていて、PSP-3000にCFW入れることができるかのように宣伝していたのは嘘っぱちだったことをデイテル自ら証明する形になったことをブログで非難していました。

Never matter, we meant other thing.

Well, things are simple.

When you make a false statement and announce it globally with a little risk of failing, you definitely fail with epic circumstances that make you look even worse to all the community. Yeah, we’re talking about a blue thing, and it’s not thesky.

We have seen D@tel using things that arenot from their own, leaking indirectly stuff, and in general making things around here a little bit… confusing.

Some webpages announced a blue battery, saying that it will “downgrade your PSPand pretty much do what you want with it!” OMFGLOLZ, the scene was a party. Butwell, hold on a second, it just had a LED indicator ON… Oh wait, didn’t that made also DC7?

Sometime later, some engineering test units came onto play… and whoa! it didn’t work! WTF! Every single one on the PSP Scene started shouting and sending mails to D@tel to refund or even to tryto find if this information was right.

Well, meanwhile i was making some stuff for the server, a good friend, x3sphere (thanks!), gave me this link.WUT PSP MAX POWER DIGITAL! Wasn’t it called something like… Lite Blue Tool orwhatever? something like an Universal Unbricker, something like the “working PSP3000 solution”?
その間、私はサーバ用にあるものを作っていましたが、いいお友達x3sphere(ありがとう!)がこんなリンクを教えてくれました。 なんとPSPマックスパワーデジタル!あれ?Lite Blue Toolナントカっていう名前じゃなかったっけ?Universal Unbrickerみたいなナントカで、「PSP3000の解決策」て書いてありましたけど確か。

And now you see it totally changed, new name, new box, and a big thing that says”Use to put a PSP2000 into service mode or work as a normal battery on PSP2000 and the brand new PSP3000″ OH SNAP, all that i always wanted, a second battery for my PSP3000! Uh, wait, it wasn’t that, i wanted that cool blue thing that couldallow me to cfw’d my PSP3000!

Well, let’s get serious. What do we learn from all this story? From my sincere point of view, two things: First, do NEVER post/announce globally something if you don’t know if it’s gonna work or even if you… depend of something or someoneelse ;). And the second idea, and this goes for every single PSP user, patienceis a great virtue. You have seen some advances on this model some days ago, so ask yourself: What’s better, asking every single forum/webpage for when somethingis gonna be released, or just wait and see how things are going? :)
さて、まじめにお話ししましょう。今回の話から何を学びますか?科学的見地から2つのことが言えます。第一に、できるかどうかよく分からないことや、他人の努力をあてにしないと成り立たないことを世界に発信するのはやめたほうが良いということ。第二に、全PSPユーザーに伝えたいのですが、じっと待つということは美徳であるということです。 数日前にPSP3000でとある進歩があったので、いろんなフォーラムやホームページに何かがいつリリースされるのかとか聞いてみたりするのもいいですし、待って事の成行きを見守るのもよいでしょう。

Meanwhile, buy the games you like, game developers do also eat!

