PSP Hack一覧

1バイトの福音〜1 bite gospel for heaven with Phantasy Star Portable(JP)

Welcome From Abroad

One of my blog’s reader NAKKAN,who is a same person as “yyoossk”, has found a bug causing crash on PSP-3000 with PSP game – Phantasy Star Portable(DEMO).It was said that crash was caused by buffer-over-flow as a Gripshift,but I think it is different from that.

I have a UMD “Phantasy Star Portable-JP” and made a modified savedata by myself to confirm it is real.Of course I got a same result like DEMO version. Now I tried to know a reason to crash it step by step,so that I have found only one byte of code on decrypted savedata brought me a crash! It means there is no relationship between a crash and a long player’s name causing buffer-over-flow.The Criminal address on decrypted savedata is 0xfd58.

You can find the crash on YouTube.Link is the following:crick a pictuer.



I will explain about decrypted savedata that I made.

At first you can get modified savedata from link as follows:

This picture is a screenshot of original savedata that contains a players name.
The player’s name I made is “mamosukekoooo…”
I entered “O” to the limit on the game while playing as usual.The address 0xfd58 you can see a data “00”.

PhantasyStarPortable Original_Savedata

This picture is a screenshot of modified savedata.I typed “6d”(ASCII code “e”) at 0xfd58.
PhantasyStarPortable Modified_SaveData

That’s All I did.You can see crash with it like shown in video.
Apparently it is different from Gripshift over-buffer-flow like “This is spartaaaa…”
I don’t know whether vulnerability exists or not on it.Hackers in the world you are the next to make Hello World and so on with Phantasy Star Portable!


PSPGENで、発見されてから2ヶ月が経過してしまうGripshiftの脆弱性を利用したHEN(Homebrew Enable)について振り返る記事を掲載していました。(NAKKANさんボムさん情報ありがとね)【記事


HACK PSP-3000 : deux mois deja…

GripshiftVous etes nombreux a vous demander ce que devient le HEN et s’il y a des avancees sur la decouverte d’autres failles. Tout ce que vous voulez savoir est dans cet article…

En bref, quoi de neuf sous le soleil ?

Malheureusement rien. Dark_Alex nous a fait clairement comprendre qu’il voulait etre celui qui diffuserait un HEN pour la PSP. Il nous a aussi precise que ce ne serait sans doute pas une version pour 5.02 mais qu’il visait plus haut et plus loin. Ceci est une bonne nouvelle, car cela laisse supposer qu’il y a encore des failles exploitables pour arriver a lancer du code sur une PSP au dela du 5.02. Ou, du moins, qu’il a bien l’espoir d’en trouver une.

Notez bien que si Dark_Alex diffuse un HEN utilisant la meme faille kernel que Miriam, nous publierons alors le notre dans la foulee. Ainsi, si celui de D_A utilise un mode de lancement et un firmware differents (comme un autre jeu par exemple), cela permettra a plus de personnes un acces au plaisir de l’underground.

HACK PSP-3000: Two months already …

GripshiftMany of you ask what became of the HEN and if there is progress on the discovery of other faults.Anything you want to know is in this article …


In short, what’s new under the sun?

Unfortunately nothing.Dark_Alex has made it clear he wanted to be the one to issue a HEN for PSP.We also clarified that this would probably not be a version for 5.02 but it was higher and farther.This is good news because it suggests that there are still loopholes used to get to launch code on a PSP beyond 5.02.Or at least he has the hope of finding one.

Note that if Dark_Alex releases an HEN using the same kernel that fault Miriam, then we will publish in our stride.Thus, if one of D_A uses a launch mode and a different firmware (like another game for example), it will allow more people access to the pleasure of the underground.




Phantasy Star Portable(DEMO) – A bug that have a possiblity ‘ROAD TO EXPLOIT’ was found?



Welcome foreigner
He is a famous japanese comedian and says “Welcome,from abroad”

Read a translated sentence with red letters.

Phantasy Star Portable(DEMO) – A bug that have a possiblity ‘ROAD TO EXPLOIT’ was found?

I found something crash in Phantasy Star Portable(DEMO) ,it’s Free for everyone to get,with modified savedata.But I cannot confirm it’s real or not,means to be an exploit or random carsh. With using my modified savedata causing buffer over-flow ,PSP-3000 with OFW crashed and turned it’s power off automatically. Of course I NEVER confirm to get a chance to Kernel Mode Access for PSP-3000.

Need things as follows:

PSP3000 FW5.03まででUMD版、体験版ともに起動。(まもすけ様、PSP@ 様、dummy様ご協力感謝いたします。)
PSP-3000 up to OFW5.03 ,Phantasy Star Portable DEMOiso or UMD (Thanks for testers – mamosuke,PSP@,dummy)

Reference website:

・大人のためのゲーム講座 DS PSP Wii PS3 Xbox まもすけblog – 楽天ブログ(Blog)
Hacking Lecture about GAME CONSOLE for LADIES and GENTLEMEN -DS PSP Wii PS3 Xbox-Mamosuke Blog
 PSPのGripShift 日本版にも脆弱性が存在するのか検証してみた
Articles – Gripshift(JP) Vulnerabilities is there?

・Gaguyuki – Blog
Articles – PSP-3000 and CFW(6)

Now you have to prepare as follows to enjoy for free:

PSP-3000 console

Phantasy Star Portable(DEMO)

SAVEDATA modified for buffer underflow(MayBe)

All you have to prepare is above only.NEED NO UMD! Anyone can enjoy expectation to hack ,maybe.
If your PSP-3000 is crashed , I mean my savedata is really working in your PSP ,comment to this forum please.

How to…

Download savedata as follows ,unpack the zip file you can see a folder ‘ULJM91014’ and copy it to your memorystick MSROOT\PSP\SAVEDATA .

There is a Movie on YouTube!
YouTube(初期基盤PSP3000FW4.20 GripShiftの穴がふさがれたFW5.03以降は試してません。)
PSP-3000 with OFW4.20… System software 5.03 containing stability for Gripshift Savedata is not tested by myself. But available in OFW5.03 I heared .

Here is another videos which have a good quality.(Thanks for mascii ,for your uploading videos)
Niko-Niko-Douga,only Japanese sorry…PSP-2000 with CFW5.00M33-6

I am not a dev for PSP, so I DO NOTHING ANYMORE. I want further progress for hacking,please help me.
Until now, Mamosuke gave me some advice on his blog as fallows:only japanese sorry.

Dark-Alex Forum threads about Fantasy Star Portable(DEMO) is :(a contributor ‘yyoossk’ is me)

I posted to LAN.ST forum, but now moved to ‘Ultimate Hall of Shame’ admin Mathieulh commented like :
No speculation please.
Either you have something consistant, either you don’t.
If you want to investigate this game for exploits and share your result with us you are welcome to, but posting a youtube video showing some random crash is not gonna do it.

少なくともHello Worldくらい表示しないと受け入れてもらえないみたいです。
May be…at least ,I have to make HELLO WORLD or give an useful information to find an exploit before posting LAN.ST forum……

IMPORTANT! Why did I post this topic.
実際可能かどうか知りませんが、この体験版がGripShiftの代わりになればと思いました。お金もかからず、どこの誰でもDownloadできる上、UMD不要なので GripShiftよりもはるかに一般に普及すると思いました。結局のところ、ただのバグならまったく意味のないものになってしまいますが。
I do not know whether this crash seems to make a history of PSP-hacking scene in near futuer.Now we can do is to buy an expensive Gripshift and wait for another few month(or a year?). Do you want a UMDgame that need to hack your PSP? Of course YES. Do you want or can you get too expensive UMD like Gripshift? Of course NO!!! DEMO version is free to get,you can download anytime,anywhere for free.I think this is a good suggestion,dont you? Most important thing I want is the fact to know the crash I found on Phantasy Star Portable(DEMO) is available for PSP-hacking.For all ,can you help to investigate this crash is really available or not for hacking?

This blog is “Hacking Lecture about GAME CONSOLE for LADIES and GENTLEMEN -DS PSP Wii PS3 Xbox-Mamosuke Blog” and I am Mamosuke,admin of this blog.
If you read this article and are interested in this crash,you can post the news “Phantasy Star Portable(DEMO) – A bug that have a possiblity ‘ROAD TO EXPLOIT’ was found?” at any forum or anyone’s blog comment.a lot of people who want to realize a CFW WORLD for PSP-3000 will cooperate each,DREAMS COME TRUE…maybe…
Phantasy Star Portable(UMD) english version is now available you know,
so you can make a savedata by yourself and enjoy it!
Oh,one that I have to say an important fact…Phantasy Star Portable(DEMO) is a Japanese Version.
