HAXNETWORKで、MotorStorm exploitを利用してPS3のバックアップブルーレイを起動する方法が見つかったことを伝えていました。【情報源:HAXNETWORK】
Run PS3 Backups via MotorStorm Hack
MysticHades has resurfaced an old hack that allowed the booting of PS3 games (originally found here). He has posted a video showing how this exploit works. This method only works with BluRay backups and NOT DVD. It does not work on all games.

Here is a rough translation of the tutorial, you can download all the needed files below:
Step 1: Install Ubuntu on your PS3 (or kubuntu)
ステップ1: PS3にUbuntu(またはkubuntu)をインストールします。
Step 2: Install Windows XP on Ubuntu
ステップ2: Ubuntu上でWindows XPをインストールします。
Step 3: Install CloneCD on Windows XP and connect to network another PC so has seen in My Network Places. I do not know if AnyDVD HD is necessary, but I installed it for me
ステップ3: そのWindows XPにCloneCDをインストールし、自宅のLAN内環境などにある他のPCとネットワークで繋ぎます。AnyDVD HDも一応インストールしましたが、本当に必要なのかは分かりません。
Step 4: Open CloneCD, select new image, insert the game, select “Protected PC Game”, change the extension to ISO.
ステップ4: CloneCDを起動し新規イメージを選択、ゲームディスクを入れて”Protected PC Game”を選んだらISOファイルに変換します。
Step 5: Ripper Blu-Ray on PC via network favorites.
ステップ5: ネットワーク経由でPCにブルーレイディスクをリッピングします。
Step 6: Burn with ImgBurn (or CloneCD) in 1X on the PC or has been ripped game
ステップ6: PCでImgBurn (またはCloneCD)を使い1X(等速)でリッピングしたゲームをディスクに焼きます。
So what exactly is going on? This was the release post about this method via Elotrolado
PS3 backups load thanks to an exploit discovered when it is considered necessary is to upload a video showing the event.
My way of working will protect this exploit and not give details of how this occurs so that might not make the same mistakes of the past.
You have to patch both updates as other functions, the iso is not worth anyone … It requires a different process than those generated in linux are not worth keeping the encryption layer.
The exploit creates a CheckStop that generates a reboot and does not load everything back into memory but the function of pre patched disk and run the new copy.
The models are tested 40/60/80.
The games tested are 3, Killzone 2, burnout paradise, pes2008.
テストしたゲームは3つ、Killzone 2、Burnout Paradise、PES2008です。
Video of this exploit in action:
YouTube: Hack PS3 MotorStorm
A more in-depth tutorial will be posted once we can get a better translation of the video. If you have a BluRay burner lying around and are willing to try, let us know and post your results.
まもすけはLinuxをインストールできないPS3 Slimしか持っていませんし、BD-R対応ドライブもないので今後進歩しても試せません。
All the details are available to view at haxnetwork (However the site some months ago was virus infested for us so be careful).