未完成Jailbreak – 4.10HEN、KaKaRoTo氏悩む

PS3Haxで、KaKaRoTo氏が進展のないPS3の4.10 HENの今後についてみんなの意見が知りたいとアンケートを実施していました。

実はKaKaRoTo氏は開発中のPS3最新ファームウェア4.10のJailbreak(PS3 4.0 HEN)について今後どうすべきか悩んでいました。内容は以下です。

Should I (KaKaRoTo) release my partial HEN?

Hello all,
I decided to post here because I needed a poll and I would like to have everyone’s opinion.
As you all know, I have had a ‘half jailbreak’ ready for a few months now, I can install what I want on the ps3, even with the latest firmware version, but I cannot run the apps (unless they are real demos of course)… I started working on a way to find a new exploit in order to run the apps on 4.x but in the past 2 months, I’ve been very busy with work and with life and I haven’t had any time to look into the ps3 hacking at all.
So now, I have a dilemna: I have this tool/code that can be useful to some people, but if I release it, sony might block it in their next version so the jailbreak will not work anymore., On the other hand, I’m not working on it anymore, and I don’t want all those months of work to be wasted… And finally, there are some other talented devs that are working on trying to get code execution working… so what to do ? release my stuff as is and that’s the end of it ? wait until I have more free time to finish it or until someone finds a way to make it into a full jailbreak ? wait for a few more months until a ‘timeout’ then release it as is no matter what happens ?
I’d like to point out that if I release it now, the most probable result is that: no one will use it, most will consider this completely useless, and sony will prevent it from being used on future firmwares. But at least, people will stop annoying me on twitter asking for a release (I wish! I bet that won’t stop them!), and I’ll stop being treated as a ‘fake’ (even though I don’t care about that). Mostly I want to fulfill my promise of “I will release it” even though I wouldn’t be fulfilling the “when it’s ready” promise.
So.. what do you think ?
p.s: Note that the poll is just to better understand what the community wants, the results of the poll will not necessarily dictate what I will do, so even if 100% say release it now, it doesn’t mean that I will release it now, I will simply take that into consideration before making a decision.
p.p.s: Other than voting in the poll, of course, you can also give your opinion as a comment to this thread.

・Release it now (今すぐリリースしてほしい)
・Only release it when it’s finished (完成したときだけリリースしてほしい)
・Give it a few more months then release it if nothing new happens (数ヶ月待っても進展なければリリースしてほしい)
・Release it right after the next firmware update. (次のファームウェアアップデート公開後にリリースしてほしい)

要するに、この3ヶ月間全く進展がないばかりでなく最初にPS3の3.73 Jailbreakに成功してからも大きな進展がなかったことになります。


今のところ「Only release it when it’s finished (完成したときだけリリースしてほしい)」という意見が最も多いですが、私もそう思います。なにも使えないものを敢えて公開する必要性を私は感じません。


