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DSiの1.4ファーム突破 EZ5iとHyper-R4iがファームウェアリリース…えっ?クローン??

GBAtempで、DSiの1.4ファームでの起動に対応したEZ5i v12 internal firmwareがリリースされたことを伝えていました。最初に突破したのはEZflashチームでした。【情報源:GBAtemp

EZ5i v12 internal firmware released- DSi 1.4 works
fixes SDHC problems of V11. Also moonshell 2.00 soft reset.
EZ5i v12 インターナルファームウェアリリース – DSi 1.4で動作
V11のSDHCの問題を修正。Moonshell 2.00のソフトリセットも

The EZTeam have released v12 of the EZ5i internal firmware/loader which allows EZ5i carts to run on DSi firmware 1.4, it also solves the problems with the [705] hardware revision and SDHC memory that yesterday’s v11 had (it also bypassed 1.4 making them the first team to release a software update to allow their cards to run on a DSi with 1.4 firmware). If you updated to v11 yesterday and have a [705] hardware revision EZ5i then you will need a SD card to update again.
EZチームはEZ5iのマジコンをDSiのファームウェア1.4で起動できるインターナルファームウェア/ローダー V12をリリースしました。[705]ハードウェアの問題と昨日リリースしたV11にあったSDHCメモリーカードの問題も修正済です(DSiの1.4でマジコンが起動しない問題を解決するソフトウェアアップデートを一番最初にリリースしたことになります)。昨日のV11へアップデート済で[705]ハードウェアのEZ5iの場合SDカードで再度アップデートをお願いします。

Release notes

This is not the first EZ5i update but it is potentially one of the more important. It allows the EZ5i to work under a DSi using the 1.4 firmware but doing so presently requires that the cart use a proper icon and text from a game.
Updating is as simple as running the ez5firmwreUP_V12.nds from the root of the EZ5i, naturally this requires something that works with the DSi like a DS, DS lite or DSi with firmware lower than 1.4, the whole procedure takes about 30 seconds although we do suggest that you charge your device and preferably power it from the wall as well.

A check was also added so you can no longer downgrade to an earlier firmware and brick your EZ5i (it should just hang if you try).

This is just the internal loader so you can continue using any kernel that works with the EZ5i.

EZ5 moonshell 2.XX soft reset
EZ5 moonshell 2.XX ソフトリセットについて

Also available since last post is a soft reset plugin for moonshell, the EZTeam sent Moonlight some source code and he made one for use. This should work for all EZ5 models


Hyper-R4i works on DSi firmware 1.4x
First commercial cart to do so

The Hyper-R4i team have released a new firmware that enables previous models of the Hyper-R4i to work on DSi firmware 1.4x. It is unknown how they got it to work and whether or not the firmware includes copyrighted data, so we will not be hosting the firmware for the time being, but you can download it at the link below.

This firmware will work on all previous Hyper-R4i models, and will be flashed and available for immediate use on all new Hyper-R4i carts.

Update: It appears the Hyper-R4i is a EZ-Flash clone, but this is still good news to anyone that might have picked one of these carts up.

