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E3情報〜新型PSPは値上げ 新PS3は値段据え置き WiiFit Plusにマリオとゼルダ


New Wii Fit, Mario, Zelda at E3 – report
新Wii Fit、マリオ、ゼルダがE3で発表

Macquarie Research has suggested that Nintendo will show new Wii Fit, Mario and Zelda titles at E3 next week.
Macquarie Research社によると、来週行われるE3で任天堂は新Wii Fitとマリオやゼルダの新作を発表するようです。

The company also repeated long-running expectations for a redesigned PSP from Sony, and Xbox 360 motion controller technology from Microsoft.
また、長らく登場が期待されている新型PSPがソニーから、そしてマイクロソフト社からもXbox 360のモーションコントローラーが発表される見込みです。

“We understand Wii Fit Plus will be launched at E3, which will be sold separately from the board and in a bundle and will capitalise on the 17 million existing Wii Fit users,” said the firm.
Macquarie Research社によると”我々はE3でWii Fit Plusが登場するという情報をつかんでいます。バランスWiiボードは同梱版以外にもソフトとボードがそれぞれ別売もされますから1700万のWii Fitユーザーも再び取り込める”ということです。

“We expect Nintendo to learn its lessons from last year and provide more gamer-centric announcements at E3 such as a new Zelda or Mario title for the Wii (in addition to the new Zelda for DS). We do not expect a price cut and see an outside chance that new accessories for Wii could be announced,” added the company.

The research firm said that a new PSP model, also expected to be revealed next week, may be too highly priced for the market.

“We don’t think this will be well received, but we are worried the pricing might be well above the existing model’s USD 199 price point.

“No price cut for PS3 is expected, but we think it likely the slimmer model is announced at the same current price of USD 399 and with a price cut of USD 100 closer to the holiday season,” added Macquarie.

Nintendo’s E3 press conference will take place on Tuesday, 2nd June. Tune in to Eurogamer for our live text and all the news as it happens, plus some rubbish jokes.

やはりPS3 Slimはあるんですね。
しかもPSP GOは高額?高いというからにはPS3並みなのでしょうか。任天堂の新作タイトルも楽しみです。
