AKAIO PurchasedIn a radically unexpected turn of events, Team Acekart has finalized the purchase of AKAIO. Normmatt and Smiths began negotiation discussions in February of this year. The original pitch was to sell the source code outright, but the final agreement is much different. Smiths is no longer on the development team. Normmatt, however, is being kept on the project as the maintainer of the source until the new firmware merge is completed. “We got great homebrew launching homebrew called Menudo, and Normmatt will have it work in AKAIO very soon,” according to the lead programmer of the Official Bliss-Merged Firmware.
予期すらしていませんでしたが、Acekartチームが最終的にはAKAIOを買収しました。Normmatt氏とSmiths氏は今年2月から交渉を開始していました。もともとソースコードを完全に売却するつもりでしたが最終的に到った結論は全く違った形になりました。Smiths氏は既に開発チームにはいませんが、Normmatt氏に関してはプロジェクトチームに残り新型ファームウェア完成までソースのメンテナンスを担当することになりました。Bliss氏のファームと合わせることにより”我々はMenudoと呼ばれるHomebrewを起動させるためのすばらしいHomebrewを手に入れました。Normmat氏が近々AKAIOで動くようにしてくれるでしょう。”SoulAnger, who contacted me with a statement, only had to say that he sold Menudo for a lump sum, and that he no longer owns the source code. He also provided me with a screen capture of the unreleased BETA firmware (see the top of the post).
Normmatt has started pumping out fixes for AKAIO. Currently 31 games have been fixed (see “Loader Fix” link below). I believe this might be his last ditch effort to make his beloved firmware as perfect as possible before it changes hands.
Team Acekart has finalized the purchase of AKAIO