Team Cyclops have also hacked the DSi but its not commercially viable… yet
Team Cyclops has announced that for some time they have had a working set up which is capable of running the CycloDS evolution on the DSi. However, they stress this is part of their research only and there is still much more work to be done to decide if a commercial DSi solution is viable or not. But for now, enjoy the video showing what they have cooked up so far…
Cyclopsチームが、近い将来CycloDS evolutionをDSiで起動できるように目下開発中であることを明らかにしました。ただ現時点では研究段階でしかないため、DSi用製品として発売できるか否かについては答えることができる段階になく、解決しなければならない問題点がまだまだあるようです。とりあえずはCyclopsチームのここまでの成果をご覧ください。