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PS3の小型化は否定するのにPSP Go!(PSP2)は否定しないのは何故?

前者がPS3slimで、後者がPSP Go!(PSP2)です。

PlayStation LifeStyleで、6月に開催されるE3(Electronic Entertainment Expo)でソニーがPlaystation3を小型化して発表するかもしれないと伝えていました。【情報源:PlayStation LifeStyle

Redesigned PS3 to be Revealed at E3
E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo)でデザイン変更版プレイステーション3がベールを脱ぐ

Of course this is just yet another rumor, as there is no official confirmation.? But we caught word that Sony is set to not only reveal the PSP Go at E3, but another hardware redesign will be debuted as well.
もちろんこの話は噂レベルです。公式発表は全くありません。しかし我々がつかんだ情報はE3でPSP Goだけでなく他のハードウェアのモデルチェンジもベールを脱ぐ事になりそうです。

We didn’t get any specifics, but we speculate that it could be one of a couple different options. First off, it very well could be as simple as a white or a silver PS3, to go with the white and silver Dualshock 3’s that have been made available. This makes sense, as most people would want their controllers to match their consoles.

The other option, and the one we are leaning toward is a slimmed down, model. Maybe with some updated specs. Nothing major of course as to not alienate current PS3 owners, but there is an off chance they could add something small like bluetooth 3.0 support. When we caught wind of this, the exact word “redesign” was used, which leaves me to believe that it is indeed a PS3 slim. Announcing a different color wouldn’t exactly warrant the term “redesign”.
それ以外に、我々もあり得ると思うのがスリムモデルの登場です。スペックも向上するでしょう。現行PS3オーナーをがっかりさせる程の大きな変更はないと考えられますがブルートゥース3.0対応といった細かな変更はあるかもしれません。今回の”デザイン変更”というのはPS3 slimに他ならないと考えられます。カラー追加程度では”デザイン変更”とは言いません。


No slimline PS3 planned

Sony have point-blank denied online speculation that a slimline version of the PS3 could be on the way.

a spokesperson for the firm said that the company “doesn’t have any plans” for a revision of the hardware at present.

While Sony have moved quickly to deny any PS3 hardware changes, the firm have been less quick to snuff out speculation pointing toward a new-look PSP handheld.


即座に否定情報が出て来ているのでPS3slimはおそらくガセでしょう。ではUMDレスの内蔵メモリー搭載型PSP Go!はどうなるのでしょう。否定されず放置されている事実は単なる噂にとどまらず相当真実みを帯びている一つの証拠なのかも知れません。


Slim PS3 in production? Leaked pictures say yes – PlayStation 3 News – QJ.NETあたりで全写真が見れます。
