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GameCube Backup Launcher v0.1 お待たせリリース

GBAtempで、リリースすると告知していたGameCube Backup Loaderが、GameCube Backup Launcher v0.1と名前を変えてリリースされたことを伝えていました。【記事

GameCube Backup Launcher v0.1

The notorious WiiGator, author of the Wii Backup Launcher, has released v0.1 Theta of the GameCube Backup Launcher.
Wii Backup Launcherの作者WiiGator氏がGameCube Backup Launcher v0.1 Theta(シータ)をリリースしました。

WiiGator’s GameCube Backup Launcher, of course, runs your GCN backups on your Nintendo Wii.
WiiGator氏のGameCube Backup Launcherは、読んで字のごとくWiiでゲームキューブのバックアップを起動させるものです。

For future updates on this program, follow Wiigator’s GBAtemp blog.
詳細はGBAtempにあるWiigator’s GBAtemp blogをご覧ください。

Note: Not all backups are guaranteed to run with the launcher – do not PM Wiigator asking for solutions to running certain backups. Instead,post inside the thread with all questions.


Wii GameCube Backup Launcher 0.1 Theta

Purpose: Run GameCube backups on the Wii.

Mirror: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=4757

In the source archive there are the binaries as archive included. You will need to first to extract gcbackup0.1_v7.tgz and then gcbackup0.1_theta.tgz.

Not all games are working and it still contains bugs. If you have a problem don’t send me a message. Just post in the forum. You will get a faster answer.

Check first: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/index.php/Gam…patibility_List
先ずはこちらをご覧ください。: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/index.php/Gam…patibility_List

Don’t start complaining that a game is not working. You have the source code and can fix the bug. I do this in my free time and I don’t get paid for it.

There is a video showing it in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xak8qdMKbU&fmt=18
動作の様子を撮影したビデオはこちらです。: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xak8qdMKbU&fmt=18


It is prohibited to use any of the software to illegally copy games,they are intended only to create and play legal backups of games that you own. In some countries or regions it is still illegal to make copies of games that you own, check with your local authorities if you are unsure. I cannot be held responsible for any misuse of these programs.

The use of any of the above software is done so at your own risk. If you mess something up or anything undesirable (ie: loss of warranty, brick, lawsuits, jailtime) happens because of any of these programs, it is your own fault. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!

Short Instructions:
1. Run miospatcher
2. Press X (only one time!), if you want to use Wii Backup Launcher or Wii disc channel to start.
Wii Backup LauncherやWii disc channelを起動するにはXボタンを押してください。(1回だけですよ!)
3. Press A
4. Run rungcbackup
5. Press A and play your game

This application theoretical can brick your Wii and make it unusable. It was written to be safe as possible. If something fails it should only have effect on the GameCube mode. You should still be able to use Wii mode and repair it by installing a MIOS with a WAD installer.

